Prime for Growth! Conversations with Everyday Innovators
Prime for Growth is a podcast devoted to de-mystifying the journey of innovation. As entrepreneurs, we wear a lot of hats every day. One of the most important is being the internal provocateur (or hiring, and then encouraging them to survive on your team). The last few decades have seen innovation move from a way of thinking to an exultation in the ears of venture capitalists everywhere. But what about every day innovation? Not so sexy. In most businesses, innovation is always a small 'i' : removing a redundant process, automating a task, shifting infrastructure to better serve the clients, identifying friction in your business, or simply investing in a real, vulnerable way in culture and how that might be holding your team back from their own greatness. In Prime for Growth, we explore these ideas and bring innovation back into the everyday, through conversation with entrepreneurs who are facing, and solving, hard truths in their businesses. Guts doesn't always lead to glory, but while small "i" innovation has definitely turned straw into gold for some, the investment in innovation helps our entrepreneurs experience change, growth, a light in the tunnel, better bottom line results, and a better night's sleep.
Podcasting since 2021 • 6 episodes
Prime for Growth! Conversations with Everyday Innovators
Latest Episodes
Prime for Growth Episode 6 - Next Generation Innovation
If you're struggling to make your mark in a business with history, the challenge is real. So is the opportunity to break new ground using powerful legacy tools and experience. This episode is all about finding the difficult, but val...
Season 1
Episode 6

Prime for Growth Episode 5 - Kristina Milke, Innovating thru Venture Capital
Today we are exploring the strange and wonderful world of Venture Capital. Kristina Milke started her career as a chartered accountant, with ambition, but an unformed game plan. Being open to opportunity however, brought her to one intersection...
Season 1
Episode 5

Prime for Growth Episode 4 - Innovating through Category Creation
If your business dreams include breaking amazing new ground, solving problems previously undefined, and doing something entirely new, this episode is for you.Today we meet Chris, who after 20 years of pursuing her medical profession, fo...

Prime for Growth Episode 3 - How Innovating your Culture becomes a Superpower
Is your culture dysfunctional and full of blaming and shaming, or does your organization foster a caring, safe environment where people can thrive? Are your team striving for excellence and succeeding through great collaboration and trust, or a...
Season 1
Episode 3

Prime for Growth Episode 2 - Innovation is a Process with Jodi Scarlett
I read a quote that fit well with Today’s episode: " Never let success get to your head, and never let failure get to your heart. ". We know being an entrepreneur involves trying and failing and iterating your way to success - but how do...
Season 1
Episode 2